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Conservation Commission Minutes 04/22/2015

MEMBERS PRESENT: Glenn Colburn and Leslie Duthie.

MEMBERS ABSENT:  Davis Johnson.

Glenn Colburn stated he saw the communication regarding the solar facility on Macomber Road from Pro-tech.  The plan that is proposed is discharging directly into the water and that is not a satisfactory solution.  He stated he would prefer to see a shallow detention area more spread out that would allow a sheet overflow.

7:15 Informal meeting with Kim Evans 19 State Street.  Ms. Evans stated the large pine trees in the rear of the property were damaged by the 2011 tornado and what is left are large stumps.  There are approximately 14 stumps along the property line that she would like to remove and establish a proper buffer between her property and Colonial Village.  

Glenn Colburn questioned how it was proposed to remove the stumps?

Kim Evans stated she would excavate some stumps and grind others.  If it was acceptable to the Commission she would use hay bales to protect the river.

Leslie Duthie stated because it is so close to the river a Request for Determination must be filed, include a plan showing the location of the stumps to be removed and the location of the silt fence/hay bales.   

The Commission scheduled a site visit for April 27, 2015 at 5:00 P.M.

7:35  Silver Street, Gail Howard and her consultant John Prenosil JMP Consulting met with the Commission to review a restoration plan prepared by JMP Consulting in response to an Enforcement Order issued by the Commission.  

John Prenosil stated he did not know if it made more sense to go over the plan or to go onsite first?

Glenn Colburn stated he reviewed the documents and did not agree with everything that is proposed.  He stated he believed it made more sense for the Commissioners to walk the area with Mr. Prenosil.  He stated he had questions regarding the proposed crushed stone bedding with armored stone over it.  The letter indicates that historic photographs illustrate the former width of the driveway to be wider and it is difficult to understand how it has shrunk.  Glenn Colburn stated he would agree that the majority of the fill has stayed on the driveway, but what is proposed could have more impacts into wetlands.

John Prenosil stated he was making a suggestion and in his letter he also states “or similar”.  

Glenn Colburn stated he did not want this to turn into a large driveway project to address a violation.  He stated the Commission would look at the various areas with regard to putting in stone and removing material from other areas.

Leslie Duthie stated she understands that beaver are active in this neighborhood and periodically the driveway may be impacted by a beaver impoundment but property owners cannot just go in and remove it.  There is a procedure in place and the Conservation Commission must be contacted.  

8:00 The Commission received a request for a Certificate of Compliance from Exxonmobile for sites located at State Avenue, Fern Hill Road and 106 Boston Road West.

Leslie Duthie stated the Town of Monson Open Space and Recreation Plan 2014 to 2021 has been completed.

Leslie Duthie stated she received information from Celia Reichel LAND Program Coordinator that the Stephen and June Skorupski Woodlands Project on Silver Street could be included in Fiscal Year 2015.  Ms. Duthie stated she spoke with Michael Moore to see if the purchase of the property would go through before June 30, 2015.

Leslie Duthie stated she is working with Celia Reichel to register a deed for the Monson Developmental Center conservation land.

The Commission will schedule a site visit for 12 Alden Thrasher Road, John Scheurmann.   

Glenn Colburn stated he had prepared a letter to be sent to Robert Sanderson 47 Thayer Road regarding work that appears to be encroaching into wetlands, three aerial photos showing changes over an approximate 5 year period will be included with the letter.  

8:15 MAIL

  • Forest cutting plan for the Carpenter property on Town Farm and Beebe Roads.
  • Exxonmobile received the determination for work within the pipeline Right of Way on Boston Road (Route 20).
  • Information from Tennessee Gas Line that they are performing routine maintenance on damaged areas of the pipeline and no filing is required.
  • New England Central Railroad herbicide treatment to start on their right of way May 1, 2015.

Leslie Duthie moved to adjourn.

Glenn Colburn seconded.

It was so voted, unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda A. Hull